Weekend Contemplation and Energy Report for October 25, 2024
Our crowning energy for this week is Breaking Through Barriers. Spirit is inviting us to look at what mental, emotional, or even physical limitations are stopping us from truly living our lives to the fullest and breaking up with them. This does not mean all at once but instead through our next energy.
Our next supporting energy for this weekend to help us break up with our self-imposed limitations is Talking with God or your higher power as we talk and connect with our higher power we are not asking for what we should do to break up with the barriers but instead simply allowing ourselves to connect and let go to allow ourselves to enter our next energy.
The next supporting energy is going with the flow. Once we connect with our higher power, we hook up to guidance, and once we do, we become a more cooperative component in the divine plan. We have let go of what we think we should, would, or could do and allowed ourselves to go with the flow of what brings us more peace and brings down our fear. The beauty is that spirit knows exactly what you need and the timing of it. Your only job is to be present to be led.
Lastly, as we break these barriers spirit invites us to be gentle and kind with ourselves to treat ourselves kindly, and to do things that help us to feel good maybe getting a hair and your nails done or hanging out with a friend something that is supportive
Questions to ask yourself: What barrier am I ready to break up with? Why am I not asking source for help? If I was to talk to God or my higher power how might I explain this situation? How am i resisting the flow? If I were to let go of one bit of control which area of my life would that feel safe in? How might that area improve?